Cork House is a design studio, an exclusive cork atelier, where artistic designers create new unique collections of the cork flooring and where you will be offered such a wide range of color and design solutions, that you will get the one and only interior. Color variants are almost unlimited, moreover the Cork House uses ecological colors based on water. The unique and distinctive colors are developed in the company laboratory according to the customers desire.

CORK HOUSE focuses on the human health and the environment care.
That’s why we offer our clients coverings made of cork – the most ecological raw material for the finishing materials production.
Ecological floorings are those that do not harm the environment and human health.
CORK HOUSE company applies only the best raw materials and the newest technologies for creating a diverse range of cork coverings for premises of various purposes, providing non-standard design solutions and the highest quality of its products.
The quality mark, certifying the environmental cleanliness, product stability and its compliance with the European technical and chemical requirements for the pollution agents. Certificate of built-in protection against bacteria and fungi using the antibacterial Microban technology.
There are special requirements to the product with the “Der Blaue Engel” sign (“Blue Angel”) – a worldwide sign that indicates that the ozone layer of the Earth is not damaged during the production process.
Cork is an amazing natural material. In order to obtain raw materials for the production of cork coverings, it is not required to cut down trees, as it is necessary when harvesting the wood. The secret is in the unique ability of cork oak to regeneration. With a periodicity of 9 years, the bark is removed from the tree, after which the plant begins to build up a new layer again. The cork oak during its lifetime (on average it is 200 years), it removes the upper layer of the crust up to 25 times.
And due to the bark composition of the cork oak, during the cork covering production, no additional binders are used, as far as the cork oak cortex contains 45% of the suberine – the natural substance that glues cork granules under the pressure and high temperature.
Our products are the most environmentally friendly among other performed on the modern market of finishing materials. Because cork has a number of undeniable advantages, namely:
Cork is hypoallergenic because of its antistatic properties, due to which the dust on the cork coverings settles much lesser than on the others. Therefore, the cork as the finishing material is the best for highly allergic individuals and asthmatics.
Cork is surprisingly resilient material, capable of restoring the original shape after compression and punching. Due to its elasticity, the cork has the cushion effect, positively influencing the spines of those who walk on it.
Cork has excellent performance as a sound and heat insulator.
All these factors are aimed at preserving human health.
Adhering to the ecological strategy, CORK HOUSE company continues to develop and strengthen its position on the market of finishing materials made of cork.
Environment care.
CORK HOUSE Company is aware of the entire responsibility for the safety of the environment and the preservation of the world’s forest resources, we work relentlessly toward the contribution to ecological direction development in the cork covering production.
CORK HOUSE products are certified in the following areas:

FSC production and marketing certified. FSC is a standard mark of responsible forestry FSC® - The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-profit organization, promoting responsible management of the world’s forests. This is the international standard for responsible forest management, the compliance with the requirements of the certificate for careful forest management and "from the producer to the consumer."

PEFC certified. PEFC is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization that independently certifies the entire supply chain of wood, and also confirms that the forest products are manufactured using world-class quality standards. Forest certification PEFC notes that its activities are aimed at responsible forest management. Among the key values: - Respect all forms of forest property, including the social, cultural, environmental and economic values that it has.

The “Das Kork-Logo” quality assurance certificate guarantees the product quality, environmental friendliness, sustainability, as well as compliance with technical and chemical requirements of European standards and regulations, for instance regarding harmful emissions. Das Kork-Logo is the only quality mark especially for cork flooring.

Protection MicrobanR is implemented into the product while the process of its production. It could not be washed off and does not wear out with time. Microban protects the product throughout its life. Microban 3G Silver ™ technology optimizes active and long-term protection against bacteria and other microorganisms.

German certificate The Blue Angel (Der Blaue Engel) is a symbol of environmental protection - the very first sign confirming the environmental safety. The presence of this eco-label means that while the manufacturing process, producers have tried to do everything possible to reduce the negative impact on the environment.

GREENGUARD® indoor air quality certified for in-house work materials with a low level of volatile substances, meeting the strict standards for the release of volatile substances based on established criterias of chemical exposure.